Disembodied spirit check-in

"You're on Earth. There's no cure for that." ― Samuel Beckett

We gathered in a dream — a check-in for disembodied spirits.

A man told me I was looking bright and brilliant — better than I had before. There was a loving warmth in his words, and a familiarity in the way he spoke to me.

I alluded to a recovery. Another spirit stranger piped in and asked if I had been dying. He thought by recovery I meant a terminal illness.

I was surprised at his question, as if he should have known me better. I said, “No, I’m on the life path/plan right now — same as you — we’re all dying.”

When I woke up I knew that by recovery, I meant something in the heart chakra that needed restructuring. A healing had occurred that made my spirit shine in the dream realm.

I was grateful for my disembodied spirit check-in. We were a family of souls catching up on each other's reality progress.

I considered how I could accomplish this in my waking life. How to conduct a disembodied spirit check-in with myself.

There's a divorce that needs to happen – between reality and the spirit. A disentanglement of your identity from your life path.

“How is it going?” Your spirit friends will ask you.

Failure, disappointment, heart break — you all laugh about it together.

That's just what it's like on the life track, someone will say.

You see humor in the hurdles.

You see the finish line and are in no hurry to get there.

No one is competing.

You hang back. You catch up with your friends.

You all look bright — like new stars just birthed.


Noticient (v.) language of the angels


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