Think Radially

Think Radially is the phrase I use to help me bypass my analytical mind. It works because it is impossible to think radially, so instead I visualize my existence spiraling out of a nautilus shell.

Think Radially acts as a taproot into my expanded consciousness and it permeates all possibilities.

To Think Radially is to transcend time. I give myself equal footing in all possibilities that exist. Everything is within my grasp β€” even the paths I did not choose.

The life that you fear will never be lived continues to unfold. You can sense it in the spaces between your breath and in the silence between your sentences. Events exist in all realms: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, ethereal. Your cells are communicating and aging, while your emotions are maturing and your thoughts are evolving. When I say Think Radially that is my attempt to grasp what is happening behind the veil.

Your ancestors are You.

You begin to know your parents and lovers and friends more intimately, because you see their missing spaces. The space between their possibilities. You see their journey β€” the direction in which they’ve always been reaching. You see their sacred imagery. All along it’s been staring you in the face. This supernatural reality.

You knew from the beginning how everything would end: that relationship, the career, a move. You know this in the same way a compass needle ticks toward its magnetic north β€” pulling you toward what you’re most attracted to. Try to sense the direction in which your compass is pointing and then sense all the other directions you not will be walking toward. This is Thinking Radially β€” a doorway for connecting to your intuition.


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