A working manifesto of Free Will
I am a sovereign being who has the ability to advocate for myself. I choose experiences that are consciousness and life-expanding, and I say NO to all energy drains and life-shrinking experiences.
I do not need a priest or a shaman to communicate with the Divine.
I can wear any mask or play any role I want, I do not have to participate in the victim/perpetrator storyline if it is pushed on me.
My angels and spirit guides are there to advise me when asked, but I do not have to make any choices I am not ready to make. I can ask the flow of consciousness to slow down and take my time to integrate at my pace.
Psychic protection practices are my spiritual right. This includes crossing my arms to pull in my aura and protect my solar plexus.
I choose to not shrink away from darkness, but instead expand my light to shed awareness on these natures and realities. I reach toward a consciousness that embraces opposites.
I create my own reality based on my principles, values, beliefs and divine intuitions — and these are allowed to change as I explore consciousness and other realities. I am allowed to transform.
I respect every human and creature’s free will and boundaries. I do not force others to live in my worlds or attempt to break down their deep internal structures of reality. I meet every person where they are at emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I see the Divine in every human being.
I’m aware that my consciousness participates in other realities and that there are other species of TIME, yet I deeply respect the linear flowing of time and this one reality we choose to create together.
I accept myself as an active participant in a shared reality. I believe that only I am responsible for my choices and I do not make self-destructive choices. I choose to support the spiritual evolution of my soul and heart and that of others.
I believe in both Free Will and Universal Laws. Paradoxes exist on all planes of Reality. We alter all timelines — past and future — by the choices we make in the present.
If I can accept the consequences of my actions, then I am truly free.
How to tell the difference between Community vs Cults (WIP)
“My personality casts only a particular size net to get to know the world, but you all fill in the rest.”
— Clairaudient dream, Tuesday, September 19, 2023
This is what community means. Each of us maps out our own personal universe. We fill in the gaps for each other. We work collaboratively to uncover the nature of reality and consciousness by sharing our dreams and insights with one another.
As a child, my spirituality was inextricable from organized religions (including one that could be considered a cult). I had no choice or autonomy, and because of that, as a young adult, I stayed far away from any kind of community or communal living — including platonic roommates or even study groups.
I never again wanted strangers holding me accountable for something — especially the evolution of my soul.
Now as an older adult, I want to redefine what community means to me.
I don’t have it figured out yet, but here is where I will keep my list of how I can tell the difference between community vs cults.
I get to show up as a I am in the moment — no pretenses, no judgement.
I am able to transform. The community encourages and supports individual metamorphosis and change.
I can drop in when I want to and come and go as a I please. I owe no one an explanation for my absence, and we greet each other with only love and joy.
No required reading. Period.
I feel inspired and renewed after gatherings. I should never feel lethargic, mind-fucked or like my life-force has been drained from me.
As a community, one of our purposes is to shine light on each other’s divine gifts. In this way, we act like clear mirrors for one another.
The Last Reunion
Sometimes we feel like disconnected segments of ourselves. Periods of our lives are cut off from each other. Our brain rewires and restructures itself, and we forget who we were in the past and what we felt and what we wanted. We forget this is not the only life we have lived. Someday you will call all the various versions of yourself home. Row after row of multiple you(s). Together you will walk toward the Sun. It will be your final pilgrimage, and it will feel like resting.
The Raft Company's dissident
Psychedelic vision / dream, October 29, 2021
There was a woman who worked for The Raft Company.
Each morning she would put the rafts in the water for others to take out, and every evening she would pull them back in and put them away.
She never ventured out on her own or outside of working hours.
I told her she should take herself out into the ocean. These are your waters, I said.
The Company doesn't like that, she said. They don't want us to explore beyond what we know.
I reminded her that she owned her own raft, and didn't have to rely on The Company. She was allowed to explore beyond the territory.
But she wouldn't heed my advice, no matter how hard I pushed. I grew increasingly frustrated and then I woke myself up. I told myself I would never be like that woman who works for The Raft Company.
Every day I take out my own raft and I voyage farther than the day before.