No one cares — pass it on

Some things are learned through osmosis. Ideas and messages bounce around the universal consciousness waiting for their turn to materialize.

You'll know it when it happens to you — a seemingly accidental download into your head. You'll store it away in a folder or write it off as malware and forget it about it. Then it'll pop up again, and then again. It will try to wear you down, beg you to take momentary ownership — to pass it on in some form.

Most of these ideas are neglected and then recede into the ether in search of a new conduit. All because you were scared or doubtful or distracted or "not ready."

No one cares — pass it on.

I started this blog because I am a writer. I have been since I was five. The first thing I remember writing was an unintelligible love letter. The next thing I remember writing was a story about a bunny who was afraid because her parents were fighting. My teacher was so concerned she called a conference.

And that's what writing is for me — a medium for love and a way to process grief and trauma and obstacles. I would have not survived adolescence or my twenties without my journals. It is my tool for deep diving into my inner self.

I started this blog to share ideas and resources and art that makes me happy, that makes me curious, that makes me wonder. I wanted to keep these things in one space — like a digital garden.

Only beautiful things will bloom here.

It's been a few months and I have yet to post anything deeply personal. But the message "No one cares" kept popping up and up again and it was so damn liberating, because it's true.

So I'm here. In my own space. Sending love letters out into the world, passing on messages from the universe. Reiterating what the collective consciousness wants you to know.

No one cares — pass it on.


Visual: Mind Voyages I


Visual: Cognitive Biases