Research Notes Claudia Dawson Research Notes Claudia Dawson

Notes on Multidimensional Consciousness

  • Consciousness follows a "Torus effect," which entails highly non-linear time with everything happening simultaneously in the NOW moment

  • We are all actors in the play of life, following a script initially pre-selected or devised by our HIGHERSELVES residing in higher dimensional consciousness for the good of all

  • We possess an inherent capability, the 6th sense or power of intuition, which originates from beyond space-time and serves as a means for us to stay attuned with our HIGHERSELF

  • Physicality is illusory, as we mostly thrive beyond time and space in higher dimensions, in our ethereal or angelic state

  • We incarnate in this timeline to play a role in each other's lives, facilitating the process of spiritual education, and should abstain from judging one another

These bullet points are summarized from Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi’s papers on multidimensional consciousness available online here.

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