Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Unlocking information in bones with sound

“A mermaid living in a house made of whale bones” image channeled by Sarah @ethericdreamsart

  • "Information is stored in bone and stone. In some places in Tibet where the lines of continuity in sects of monks can be traced back for thousands and thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of different masters. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls. When one walks into these places, one can, through sound, access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied those skulls."

  • "Do you understand why crystal skulls were designed? Crystalline structures are like holographic computers: they can transmit to the evolved or plugged in human a tremendous amount of information. They are designed like skulls to act as a code for understanding your own skull and understanding that the bone in your body is very valuable"

  • "Sound is a tool for transformation. Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through sound. Sound can penetrate any substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities."

  • "Information is stored and written in stone. Information is also stored and written in bone. That is why it is important to work with the skeletal structure, because it houses much of your experience in this lifetime. Let things come out, and do not chastise yourself because you thought you were finished with certain events. Say, "This is wonderful! There is more here. I love it!" Use the experience as if you are discovering a gold mine as if you are discovering that you are a newly birthed, wealthy person.

  • All you go through is what you decide you have to go through. You don't know how much you are clearing. You are opening avenues of consciousness for the planet, not just for yourselves. The good thing is that what you are clearing now is the easier stuff. Some of the far-out bizarre stuff will come later when will be so blasé about it that it won't make any difference. Everything happens in its own time."

    (Barbara Marciniak and Tera Thomas, Bringers of the Dawn)

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Above Earth memory

Clairaudient dream vision:

“We come down on giant waves of water toward the earth. There are epochs of this and periods of no descending.”

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Definitions of realms after Death

Dream, February 3, 2024. I was a counselor at a rehab realm between Death and Life. All the discarnate spirits who populated this interrealm wanted to be reborn. Some of them had failed at Life, lacking the spiritual faculties to survive. This was a re-training ground for them. On this particular day, we attended a street carnival to simulate the spirit of Life. I became aware of a vast network of undercover helpers — or cosmic coyotes — who help to smuggle spirits back toward the light and Life on Earth. I sense that I might be a part of this "Underground Railroad" for the inbetween realms.

In my astral travels I spend a lot of time in interrealms or transitional dimensions. The type I frequent the most is a rehab realm for discarnate spirits. Below are some definitions for the other death dimensions I have visited.


Limbo is a concept that originated within Christianity, specifically within the Roman Catholic tradition, although it is not officially part of the Catholic doctrine as of the latest teachings. Historically, it was thought of as a state or place of natural happiness without the beatific vision of God, reserved for those who had not been baptized and thus were free from personal sin but still bore original sin. Limbo provided an answer to the theological question of the fate of unbaptized infants and righteous people who lived before the coming of Christ.


Purgatory, also a concept from Christian theology, particularly within the Roman Catholic Church, is a state of purification or temporary punishment for those who have died in a state of grace but still need to be purified of venial sins or have not fully paid the temporal punishment for sins that had been forgiven. It is a place or state where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. The living can assist those in purgatory through prayers, masses, and acts of penance.


Bardo comes from Tibetan Buddhism and refers to an intermediate state between death and rebirth. The concept of bardo encompasses various stages, including the moment of death, the experience of the afterlife, and the process leading to rebirth. The most well-known text associated with this concept is the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," which describes the experiences the consciousness goes through during this period. The bardo is a critical time when the possibility of liberation or enlightenment is heightened, but it also presents challenges as the soul encounters various visions and must recognize them as projections of their own mind to avoid being drawn into another cycle of rebirth based on karma.


The Summerlands is often associated with Wiccan and other neopagan beliefs, described as a peaceful and restful afterlife for souls where they reflect on the life they have lived and prepare for their next incarnation. It is akin to a limbo but is characterized by a more positive and serene environment. The specifics of the Summerlands can vary among different pagan traditions, but it generally represents a place of rest between lives, where souls can recover, reflect, and eventually choose their next life in order to continue their spiritual development.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Removal of Negative Energetic Parasites

Below is a summary of what causes or attracts energetic parasites and how to fight against or remove these suppressive entities. This is not advice. Do not pull out your hair. I’m only sharing to bring awareness to these entities, not to breed paranoia. If you are prone to paranoia, or fearful of demons or aliens do not read.

Source: "Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs)" by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D

SPEs are said to originate from two sources. The first is through parasitic feeding, where they control your mind by mimicking your vocal frequency, leading you to believe that their whispers are your own thoughts. This control can lead to self-destructive behaviors, such as addiction, which can allow these entities to grow and potentially possess you.

(If you have a negative thought, question where it comes from. If it did not originate from you, release it/shake it off/protect yourself with a prayer or invocation.)

The second source of SPEs is from resistance to your efforts, particularly if you are a lightworker or someone in service to humanity who speaks against negative aliens. These entities can cause pain as they find you too strong and resolved to subdue.

To remove these entities, the author suggests pulling them out (energetically, not physically), starting from the hair around the top of your ears where they form an attachment.

The best strategy, however, is to strengthen your will power, never submit to fear, and continue doing good to raise your frequency higher. The author emphasizes the importance of preserving the sanctity of your divine inherent solar energetic consciousness.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Journey notes, 12-04-2023

AI-summarized notes from a conversation with my friend Sarah about my recent psychedelic journey.

On Higher Consciousness and Spirit Guides

  • During my psychedelic journey on December 1, I spent a lot of time negotiating how much information higher realms should provide

  • Realized higher self is always connected to higher realms, but now 3D self is also connecting more with guidance and information

  • Everything happens on etheric/astral level first before manifesting physically

  • I have multiple higher selves we can connect with, not just one

  • Many worlds/realms exist, each with own timelines - we are creating realities and serving as "patronesses" of specific energies

On Goddesses and Archetypes

  • Felt presence of and connection to Divine Feminine creator, realized significance of cosmic womb/egg in creation (I came back with a persistent prayer ending with “In her womb”

  • Higher beings give us myths/stories (like Dune) to awaken people to certain archetypes/energies

  • Soul guides explained that the movie The Marvels depicts a good example of quantum entanglement/physics of consciousness

  • Stella Maris (a collective being) is aligned with higher cetacean beings, and serves as aquatic library of prehistoric knowledge

On Shadow Work and Karma

  • Shadow work helps repressions/limitations surface so they can be healed

  • Before incarnating, soul imprints with karmic threads/emotions that need to be cleared (Sarah shared this insight with me)

  • Our pets process emotional energies/karma for us too

On Assignments and Growth

  • Dreams/visions provide guidance on next projects/growth areas

  • One of my personal assignments is to find language to translate etheric downloads into accessible human concepts

  • Soul guide nudges help build trust in higher support while retaining free will

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

The Cosmic Womb

Here is a dream that I cannot create imagery for and does not want to be flattened down by the written word. It can only be spoken and walked through with voice.

I am in a house, and it is my house, and it exists outside of space and time. I am hosting a gathering of people that I have known this lifetime, but from different places and ages, and some of whom have passed and are no longer living. But here they are, in my cosmic house. And I am preparing the space.

I am acting as a psychedelic guide, and I am pairing them up, men and women. One man, one woman, to embark on this journey. And this has nothing to do with sexuality or gender. This is just the symbol for the Divine Feminine Energies and the Masculine Energies. And those are, Masculine being our more action-oriented, discerning, rational energies, and the Divine Feminine being our more receptive, open, intuitive, psychic energies.

So here they are, paired up in perfect balance, and I am the psychedelic guide, and I feel very competent and capable in this role, but at the same time — outside of my dream body — I have a dual awareness, and this second awareness is my waking life awareness. “Waking Life Claudia” is there and she's there as the witness and the observer of this vision, where I am acting as the guide or the shaman.

That's when I realize that there is no sacred medicine to dispense to the people. That the path to these alternate realities, or to the ultimate truth, requires each woman in the pairing to spread her vulva as wide as possible for each man to enter by his head, as if it's a reverse birth.

This is the “The Cosmic Womb”. This is the Divine Feminine Womb. There's nothing sexual about this. It's just depicted in a very graphic way within my dream. And this is the point in the dream where my husband walks up to me and he says, “Okay, it's your turn.”

I very sternly shake my finger at him and I say, “No, I am not the portal.”

And then I show him a diorama of my own womb or vulva, only it's not anatomically correct. It's not a diorama of that. It is an ancient, petrified forest. And I say, “Don't you see? This is not a portal.”

And that's when I wake up and I have those words ringing in my head: “No, I am not a portal.”

And I sit with this dream for the whole month of October. And I have other dreams that shed more light on it. And then I come to an understanding of how to act as a conduit and a guide without being used energetically as a portal.

But beyond that, if I was going to bring it down to Earth, as close as I can to the 3D-level I would say that we are each our own portal. That this pairing up of the men and the women was not a message that we need someone external, like a priest or a shaman, to experience other truths, other realities.

It was just the message of the balance of both, of being grounded and yet open to these divine cosmic influences, and of experiencing existence that way. Through your own portal.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Notes on Multidimensional Consciousness

  • Consciousness follows a "Torus effect," which entails highly non-linear time with everything happening simultaneously in the NOW moment

  • We are all actors in the play of life, following a script initially pre-selected or devised by our HIGHERSELVES residing in higher dimensional consciousness for the good of all

  • We possess an inherent capability, the 6th sense or power of intuition, which originates from beyond space-time and serves as a means for us to stay attuned with our HIGHERSELF

  • Physicality is illusory, as we mostly thrive beyond time and space in higher dimensions, in our ethereal or angelic state

  • We incarnate in this timeline to play a role in each other's lives, facilitating the process of spiritual education, and should abstain from judging one another

These bullet points are summarized from Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi’s papers on multidimensional consciousness available online here.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Your dreambody is an Avatar and how to grow a bigger vessel

Some people call it Spirit — this invisible force that guides us. I call them my guides or angels — but it is Spirit and “in a sense” it is my higher spirit.

Lately I see the visual of angles or angels as angles. These rays of light that originate from higher realms and intersect on this plane, and in that intersection I find a merged consciousness that wants to speak and so I give it voice.

At first, I wondered if I was channeling. I tried to be very aware and conscientious that maybe my system was being hijacked. I am not paranoid or an alarmist by nature, but I am hypervigilant to ensure I never feel puppeteered. It’s vital to this path that I ask questions and I advocate for myself, in real life and in dreams.

A dream is a composite of other realities and realms. The goal is not to become lucid in dreams, but to become lucid in waking life. As that happens, you begin to see waking life is no different than a dream. The Universe is always communicating with you.

Dreams should feel like soul hunting. You wake up with more aspects of your soul. Your energetic body becomes a bigger vessel.

One day, you’ll realize your dreambody is an Avatar. A composite itself — just like dreams – a new body merged from other dimensions and timelines.

My spirit guides gave me a dream once about my container being too small or unequipped for the consciousness streams coming through. Over time, I grew a bigger boat or vessel.

How did I do that? I believe it was this process of introspection, reflection and integration. I believe every dream is a request for action, and by sharing my dreams and visions I eject them from my energetic system. This helps me avoid overloading or burn out. Daily practices for me also include grounding exercises and psychic protection visualizations, but most importantly I keep the channels of communication with the higher realms open in the form of prayer, invocation or meditation. I don’t do all of them each day, but I do at least one.

This whole life process for me is about growing a bigger boat. 

My aim is not to reach a Buddhic state or sainthood. I love being human and imperfect. I welcome confusion and emotional knots. I value obstacles in life because my spiritual toolkit for solving these problems keeps growing. It’s such a heavenly gift to be able to learn from life and this is why I incarnated.

Life on Earth is school and in my heart I’ve always been that kid in the class who sits in the front and asks a lot of questions. This is innate to my personality, even beyond Earth.

I used to think Teacher’s Pet was a negative complex or trait, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to be a Teacher’s Pet if that teacher is the God beyond Gods and the Source from which we came from.

But for NOW, and in this brief lifetime, my teachers are Earth and Humanity and Divine Love. 

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

How to avoid curses

My mirrored goddess, meets me in a dark realm. I ask her, “How can I avoid curses?”

She answers: “How can they curse something that shapeshifts and never walks in a straight line?”

She teaches me to wear mirrors as protection. Any energy and thoughtforms sent my way is reflected back. If it’s bad, it’s bad. If it’s Love, then it’s so much Love beamed back brighter than before.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

How to tell the difference between Judgement and Discernment

Judgement hardens you. You feel it in your body. Judgement is mental and emotional rigidity. When you place a value judgement on reality, you stiffen it.

Discernment is closely aligned with your innate Intuition. It has your highest good in mind. Discernment has no emotion attached it, it just knows. It reminds you to protect yourself — reset your energetic boundaries and rethink your next move.

Discernment allows for the flowing of life, Judgement resists it.

Judgement will make you a victim to reality and Discernment empowers you to create reality.

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