Dreamlike Worlds: The Early Stages of Human Consciousness in a Forming Universe
Book highlights from Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment by Jane Roberts
These grids of perception “do not exist forever” in your dimension of time, for your dimension of time cannot hold anything that is outside it. Once a world exists, however, it becomes imprinted or stamped upon eternity, so that it exists in time and out of it “at once.
So in the beginning of [your] world, consciousness fluctuated greatly, focusing gently at the start, but not quite as willing to be as fully independent as its first intent might seem. You had the sleepwalkers, early members of your species, whose main concentration was still veiled in that earlier subjectivity, and they were your true ancestors, in those terms.
For what would seem to you to be eons, according to your time scale, men were in the dreaming state far more than they were in the waking one. They slept long hours, as did the animals — awakening, so to speak, to exercise their bodies, obtain sustenance, and, later, to mate. It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture: imagining the various forms of language and communication possible, spinning great dream tales of future civilizations replete with their own built-in histories — building, because they were now allied with time, mental edifices that automatically created pasts as well as futures.
What was needed was a highly focused, precisely tuned physical self that could operate efficiently in a space and time scheme that was being formed along with physical creatures — a self, however, that in one way or another must be supported by realms of information and knowledge of a kind that was basically independent of time and space.
Your dreaming self possesses psychological dimensions that escape you, and they serve to connect genetic and reincarnational systems. You must, again, realize that the self that you know is only a part of your larger identity — an identity that is [also] historically actualized in other times than your own. You must also understand that mental activity is of the utmost potency. You experience your dreams from your own perspective, as a rule. (Long pause.) I am simply trying to give you a picture of one kind of dream occurrence, or to show you one picture of dream activity of which you are not usually aware.
Life is to be pursued at all costs — not because it is innately meaningful, but because it is the only game going, and it is a game of chance at best. One life is all you have, and that one is everywhere beset by the threat of illness, disaster, and war — and if you escape such drastic circumstances, then you are still left with a life that is the result of no more than lifeless elements briefly coming into a consciousness and vitality that is bound to end.
Mechanical waters on fire and the natural vision
In last night’s dream, a young girl was spilling lighter fluid in the water to set fire to the seas. We tried to snuff it out with a tower of machinery—old car parts, boat fragments and helicopter chunks.
Today in waking life, on the road back from LA, I see only the natural elements of the earth—water, fruits, trees and skies.
What happens to my perception of reality when I ignore the rest?
Memory Log - August 2024
Phrases, mantras, and concepts that I don’t want to forget. Seeds to plant and keep watering:
I see the golden 8s showering us from the cosmos: I see the agreement to come down to earth to be horizontal linear creatures like the animals. This is how we become family with the earth, the jewel of our galaxy. — Channeled vision, August 8, 2024 (Lion’s Gate)
We come down on giant waves of water toward the earth. There are epochs of this and periods of no descending. — Clairaudient dream, July 29, 2024
“Disenjar” Cristy, they said. Disenjar is a hybrid word meaning to remove from a confined state and release. Cristy, being my inner child aspect. — Dream, July 10, 2024
“Caption the moment”: What’s it like to wake up and only think about yourself? This is said in a positive way, as separatism is part of the game. But we’re enmeshed in the collective field. I see it as captions or indexes of moments. Describe what the secret desire of Claudia is at this moment. Like in stage plays—everyone with their own beat and energy arrow headed in a specific way. What is everyone’s true desire here? You should be aware of it every moment, and caption it. — Dream, July 28, 2024. (Two nights later, my angelic guides presented this in another way to understand better)
“Unhook from the storyline.” An old dream message that keeps resurfacing.
“Clear Paths, Open Roads” / "Living heaven on earth" — Mantras spoken in a Medicine Journey, July 6, 2024
"Nothing to prove, all to express" — Akashic Records, August 17, 2024
“From Prisoner to Potential.” — The Changing Fish jumping out of the cup of water. Voice Dialogue / Dreamwork Session, August 19, 2024.
Giant Shadow Personality
I realized her shadow personality was darkening the true parts of herself that were pure, bright light. I knew that enlightening did not mean bestowing light on to another person, but to see their darkness for what it is — shadows cast by the pure light within them.
As moons, we reflect the light we see in other souls and hold vigil for them during their dark periods.
I realized that some people climb their mountain, see another mountain — covet and long to be on that far off peak — but forget the arduous soul process of climbing and conquering.
In the dream, I knew about the Giants that used to live on Earth. I wasn’t surprised to hear about the folklore. I had been chased by their looming shadows. Or maybe I only thought I was being chased because I was running away. I ran from the giants’ shadows because the other people were running.
I should have let myself be swallowed by the darkness in order to find the largest source of light I had ever encountered.
Open Tab:
“What was I made for?” — A question I want to answer.
Trash Can:
Longing for other peaks, when I am not done exploring my current mountain.
Dreaming of Giants of Kentucky and the Yangtze River.
Dream Fragments, 01-22-2024
I’m waiting to be arrested when the cop whispers to me, “You know you’re a fast runner right?” I realize I can just leave, so I do.
Shaq Attack: Shaq sneaks into my bedroom at night and tries to violate me, but I take him down despite my smaller size.
I’m in a dream realm where everyone ages many years while I’m in conversation with them.
Tall Printers: Can print really tall pages — not long pages, but tall ones. A few nights later I see a tall book in a separate dream and remember my tall printer.
Reality Debrief, 11-20-2023
đź’ Thought Fragments
Motion in dreams serve as energies to embody to loosen up the rigidity of our mental frameworks. For example: I dream I am 40 and I am jumping up and down as mode of travel down a street. I come across a younger woman and I say to her, “Here’s a secret for when you turn 40. When you’re 40 you’ll want to jump everywhere!” And I jump away. In waking life I’ll be 40 in about six months, but in the dream I already knew that after 40 I will no longer walk or run to get from point A to point B, I’ll jump there. Maybe this symbolizes leaps in growth or judgement or jumping to conclusions, or maybe this is what wisdom represents, that I have earned a certain amount of life or leeway and I can now get to a space or arrive at a state of mind via a faster method.
The purpose of Media in integration. I feel guided by books, films and music as if they are alive energies or media spirit guides nudging me along the path. The next book is always the perfect book. I practice bibliomancy every day and the passage I read always confirms what I dreamed the night before. Films often fill in the blank spots and questions I have about my dream content. It’s like the dream imagery comes first, and if I have no answers for it, the media will resolve the questions. Right now, I’m slowly watching Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks, which is making sense of all my Interlife / Above Earth memories and dreams.
Reality Debrief, 11-15-2023
“Humanity wants to reach for the stars but very often cannot even reach for the hand of its neighbor. …As much as humanity might want to meet its cousins from the sky, they will not initiate an open contact program until humanity can embrace its brothers across the street. It is up to this planet. It is humanity who is calling the shots. ”
What’s above or beyond aliens? Only prime matter and source energy. The consciousness of creation. Infinite possibilities for new planes of existence and realities.
What's important is not the communication with ETs or higher beings, but the transformation that happens within you as a result — and the art form is in the translation of these higher dimensional messages.
Reality Debrief, 11-14-2023
Music can transmute emotions instantly, pulling you out of whatever mood you're in. Letting go of grievances and judgements creates space for the Universe to surprise you. This morning while showering this song came on and instantly wiped the slate clean from any feelings or expectations I had toward the day.
There are multiple timelines and continuums. We interact with aspects of ourselves from different timelines in dreams. Staying aligned with our divine purpose keeps the timelines straight. Related dream
The role of a Lightworker or an Energy Healer can be simply described as holding a high frequency. This is how — one by one —we can affect mass consciousness and change the future.
There are heavens and utopias where the soul finds respite, yet we come back to Earth or this 3D Reality to grow through challenges. There is no FINISH LINE, only periods of rest in a continuous cycle of growth and evolution.
Grounding oneself and reconnecting with reality can be a powerful tool in managing emotions and perceptions. This involves not making assumptions about others' moods or expectations, but rather focusing on the present moment and the infinite possibilities it holds. Remember, reality is far more interesting than our worries and fears.
Reality Debrief, 11-13-2023
I’m becoming more aware of the shortcuts my mind takes to create reality. My brain pieces everything together so quickly — before my other senses. I’m practicing letting my other senses guide me throughout the day. Grounding myself and energy from moment to moment.
A book highlight that resurfaced today. Rest in peace Antero Alli.
"C-1 Task #1: Locating an I.P. (The Integrity Point) Determine where, in the course of your daily life, you can say with total honesty “I can stand behind this 100%.” Call this area your I.P., your 100% integrity point. NOTE: an I.P. can be almost anything—your love for your dog, your favorite theory of everything, your car, your genitalia, your internet addiction, your God or Goddess, your morning cup of coffee."
(Antero Alli, The Eight-Circuit Brain)
I tagged this as #to-do. Today my Integrity Point — something that I can stand behind 100% — is Introspection as a form of spiritual evolution. Introspection does not lead to individualism or narcissism. Individuation is an element of the Introspection process, but what I have found is that Introspection leads to integration of polarities and brings me closer and closer to Unity.
Trying to control the timelines but everyone keeps making dumb ass decisions. A man convinces himself he’s going to become Houdini before Houdini becomes Houdini, just because he looks good in a top hat.
Dreaming is how we collect the lost parts of our souls lost in other realms. We dream ourselves awake. Jung and the Woman Who Lived on the Moon
NOPE. Scientists Are Researching a Device That Can Induce Lucid Dreams on Demand
Visions of the Holographic Universe, Magnetars and Flowering in Spirit
“He was remembering with his mind and she was remembering with her senses.”
As I woke up this morning, I saw my body stretch out toward the sun and my arms stretch above my head as if I was flowering 🪷. I felt like I had physically flowered, but in reality my body didn’t move an inch. Then I opened my eyes having already stretched out my spirit.
🌌 Inner imagery:
Visions of the Holographic Universe. In dreams, I see glimpses of layered horizons. Time as a linear line and and Time as angles entering from parallel dimensions. Stellar rays project into the Earth sphere creating distortions, reflections and reality screens. Somewhere in all the energy noise I find myself as beams of light converging. I see how our physicality and our form is created from beyond the horizons.
Working map of my astral travels and visions of the holographic universe. Need to add more dimensions of consciousness and realms I’ve visited to date.
🤫 Secret desires:
To become a Magnetar after death and be described as a “highly magnetic stellar corpse” Why? Because I’m made of stardust and consciousness is magnetic and all I want to do is be bright and pull the universe toward me.