Books Claudia Dawson Books Claudia Dawson

Six rules for knowing higher worlds

Below are six foundational principles to master before communicating with higher realms. Inspired and paraphrased from “How to Know Higher Worlds” by Rudolf Steiner.

  1. Create a chain of “true” thoughts and harmonious actions.

  2. Correct all illogical and out of sync thinking and actions.

    • Stay true your values: Divine Love, Beauty, Truth, Humor, Play

  3. Cultivate follow through and perseverance.

  4. Do not withdraw your light from the darkness — seek to understand it.

  5. Practice openness and impartiality toward all the phenomena of life. Banish timidity and have fail in your goal of understanding the shadows.

  6. “Hold the neutrality stick.”

"All fear is useless. I must not let it take hold of me. I must think only of what is to be done." In fact, we must reach a point, in situations that earlier would have caused us to be afraid, in which the very idea of fear and lack of courage become things impossible for us to conceive in the core of our soul." — Rudolf Steiner, How to Know Higher Worlds

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Soul Work Claudia Dawson Soul Work Claudia Dawson

Updated: How to be be charismatic and attract your destiny

“Think about what would save your life, and then reach toward that.”
— Dream, September 27, 2021

At a festive gathering — in between the worlds — a skinny, awkward man asks a charismatic witch man what he could do to attract love and his destiny. The witch man says, “Sit at the corner of the table and think about what you could do or say to save your life right now and then reach toward that.”

Dream, September 27, 2021

Charisma is your personal magic. It's so easy to recognize charisma in others — they are charming and alluring. "Reach toward what would save your life" means align yourself with your natural gifts and divine purpose and then head toward that — and don't look back. Your love and destiny will follow.

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Soul Work Claudia Dawson Soul Work Claudia Dawson

Dark Earth Goddess and the soiling of the Soul

I’m headed to Ireland in a few weeks. I’ve been summoned there by my dreams. I find it to be true that once you set an intention to travel or commit to a future event in your life, you can begin to pull energy from that future moment.

Here is a dream that was set in Ireland, both in a mythological past timeline as well as in this linear future.

Dream, June 1, 2023

My Mother or Fairy Godmother or Past-Life Mother tells me a story. She says, “All my Daughters have Dark Earth within.”

I see my human body woven with grass and muddy earth.

It’s ok to make mistakes of varying degrees, she says. Sometimes the darker the regret, the closer we are to Mother Earth’s forgiveness.

These are human lessons to learn. In Heaven there are no mistakes. This being human is a gift— how else will we grow?

I see the seams of my body sewn with soil.

The soul “in a sense” is soiled when we incarnate. This is how I will grow.

Something I will learn in Ireland. 

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

How to tell the difference between Judgement and Discernment

Judgement hardens you. You feel it in your body. Judgement is mental and emotional rigidity. When you place a value judgement on reality, you stiffen it.

Discernment is closely aligned with your innate Intuition. It has your highest good in mind. Discernment has no emotion attached it, it just knows. It reminds you to protect yourself — reset your energetic boundaries and rethink your next move.

Discernment allows for the flowing of life, Judgement resists it.

Judgement will make you a victim to reality and Discernment empowers you to create reality.

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Visions Claudia Dawson Visions Claudia Dawson

A vision of cosmic grief

Psychedelic vision, Friday, December 16, 2022

There is an invisible conveyer belt that extends from Earth to Heaven.

I sat underneath and watched the bodies drop as the souls ejected themselves.

A landfill of spiritual refuse.

I sifted through the matter left behind. I mourned the un-lived potentials within.

Lives that never fully expanded out of fear.

The life-body is a house meant for remodeling and adding on and enlarging in every way.

This is cosmic grief I am feeling.

Some of these life-bodies will be recycled. Return to grow again. Others forgotten.

I think of my own body hanging from that conveyer belt — of all the rooms I have yet to discover within me.

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Visions Claudia Dawson Visions Claudia Dawson

Washing instructions for auric bodies

When your body feels heavy with emotion, remember you can take it off like clothing.

In a vision I see everything as pale denim blue, like all the colors have run by mistake.

I take off my emotional body and I see pockets of fluid that need to be drained. These are my tears and sadness. I hang it up on the line to dry.

I take off my mental body and I see how it is wrinkled and stained. These are my assumptions that need to be washed and ironed out.

Our auric bodies are removable and washable.

You are a spirit with multiple bodies. Each one serves a purpose, and each one should be treated differently — but they all need to be cleansed again and again.

On laundry days, I walk around naked in spirit — a respite from the human form.

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