Visions Claudia Dawson Visions Claudia Dawson

A vision of cosmic grief

Psychedelic vision, Friday, December 16, 2022

There is an invisible conveyer belt that extends from Earth to Heaven.

I sat underneath and watched the bodies drop as the souls ejected themselves.

A landfill of spiritual refuse.

I sifted through the matter left behind. I mourned the un-lived potentials within.

Lives that never fully expanded out of fear.

The life-body is a house meant for remodeling and adding on and enlarging in every way.

This is cosmic grief I am feeling.

Some of these life-bodies will be recycled. Return to grow again. Others forgotten.

I think of my own body hanging from that conveyer belt β€” of all the rooms I have yet to discover within me.

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Obscura Claudia Dawson Obscura Claudia Dawson

Living Libraries

In my continuing journey to connect with β€œwhale” consciousness, I began a correspondence with June Sananjaleen Hughes, who wrote Whale Wisdom Dolphin Joy: Ascension Teachings from the Cetaceans (mentioned here). Through her I learned of the term: living libraries β€” anchor points for truths.

Whales are living libraries. So are master crystals, she says, and flight patterns of migratory birds.

I want to be a living library. I carry memories in my finger tips. Each day I go out into the world and I expand my library of sensory experiences, emotions, ideas.

Someday I will be a living library of nostalgia, dreams, potentials and love.

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