Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Your dreambody is an Avatar and how to grow a bigger vessel

Some people call it Spirit — this invisible force that guides us. I call them my guides or angels — but it is Spirit and “in a sense” it is my higher spirit.

Lately I see the visual of angles or angels as angles. These rays of light that originate from higher realms and intersect on this plane, and in that intersection I find a merged consciousness that wants to speak and so I give it voice.

At first, I wondered if I was channeling. I tried to be very aware and conscientious that maybe my system was being hijacked. I am not paranoid or an alarmist by nature, but I am hypervigilant to ensure I never feel puppeteered. It’s vital to this path that I ask questions and I advocate for myself, in real life and in dreams.

A dream is a composite of other realities and realms. The goal is not to become lucid in dreams, but to become lucid in waking life. As that happens, you begin to see waking life is no different than a dream. The Universe is always communicating with you.

Dreams should feel like soul hunting. You wake up with more aspects of your soul. Your energetic body becomes a bigger vessel.

One day, you’ll realize your dreambody is an Avatar. A composite itself — just like dreams – a new body merged from other dimensions and timelines.

My spirit guides gave me a dream once about my container being too small or unequipped for the consciousness streams coming through. Over time, I grew a bigger boat or vessel.

How did I do that? I believe it was this process of introspection, reflection and integration. I believe every dream is a request for action, and by sharing my dreams and visions I eject them from my energetic system. This helps me avoid overloading or burn out. Daily practices for me also include grounding exercises and psychic protection visualizations, but most importantly I keep the channels of communication with the higher realms open in the form of prayer, invocation or meditation. I don’t do all of them each day, but I do at least one.

This whole life process for me is about growing a bigger boat. 

My aim is not to reach a Buddhic state or sainthood. I love being human and imperfect. I welcome confusion and emotional knots. I value obstacles in life because my spiritual toolkit for solving these problems keeps growing. It’s such a heavenly gift to be able to learn from life and this is why I incarnated.

Life on Earth is school and in my heart I’ve always been that kid in the class who sits in the front and asks a lot of questions. This is innate to my personality, even beyond Earth.

I used to think Teacher’s Pet was a negative complex or trait, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to be a Teacher’s Pet if that teacher is the God beyond Gods and the Source from which we came from.

But for NOW, and in this brief lifetime, my teachers are Earth and Humanity and Divine Love. 

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