Planetary objects as the heart

Are you a comet? Or are you a planet? 

I woke up in the middle of the night asking this question. What I really meant to ask is are you passing me by or can I live on you? I don’t have a satisfactory answer for this.

I have been a comet to some people and a planet to others. In all cases, it’s the heart’s gravitational pull that influences the orbit.

Something beautiful I read this week:

How to Connect by Thich Nhat Hanh

Every morning, I go out into my backyard and I worship the Sun. I stand facing the East. I let the Sun warm my body. I whisper my prayers and gratitudes for life, for love, for inspiration, intuition and intelligence — all of which helps me to participate in the creation of the universe. Now I know the Sun is my heart.


Updated: Dreaming as a technology


Heart exercise” day