How to Transform Consciousness


I had a psychedelic journey on April 1 that knocked me inward for a couple of months.

Every vision — whether it's a dream or a subtle image that bubbles to the surface — deserves to be honored with patience, attention and action. In my case, a Warrior Goddess broke through my wooden, embroidered heart.

In the journey, I was being chased for my heart. They said it was beautiful and impressive and they wanted to mount it in a museum.

I held my wooden heart in my hands and I ran and I hid. "It's not ready yet," I told them. "I'm still working on it."

Every embroidered groove and engraving was a love or a lesson or a heartbreak — and this is what made it a work of art.

The hide-and-seek game continued until I found myself cornered, but before it could be stolen, my heart cracked open and gave birth to a beautiful, Warrior Goddess with wings.

A new energy had entered my body and I knew immediately I had to make room for her, and that's what I've been doing.


You must quiet all the outdated, uninformed voices that live in your head and who are always eager to speak up first. You breathe into your spine. You take a step back from your body — pretend you are sleep walking. There is a new driver behind the wheel. Relinquish control.

Trust the energy — it is sourced from your heart. Your heart feels on fire — but it is not wild, it is a controlled fire — and this is the new energy that will give birth to your true voice.

Since the journey, the Goddess has been making cameos in my dreams. In dreams, she gifts me wings. She brings me cats and jewelry, and she baptizes me in fire.

She wakes me up mid-night with sticky thoughts. She tells me that I am not trusting enough. She tells me to let go. She tells me to believe. To be fearless.

But these are only words and dream images and a human needs more than words and images to transform.


On Tuesday, April 26, I woke up with a sticky thought from the Goddess. She said:

It's not just the symbols or the message — it's the flow of consciousness that breaks through you at night. It is multiple flows and it is the energy from these flows that you must feel.

During the day, when we are awake, we repress so much. At night, when our defenses are down, our true nature tries to break through us. It cracks us open with images and words and these images and words are, in actuality, flows of energy — multidimensional and encoded with so much potential for transformation.

I carry the energy from dreams with me throughout the day. I walk the world with one eye outward and one eye inward and I pay attention to synchronicities and symbols and I gravitate to whatever resonates with the energy I am carrying — and I let that be my guide posts.

This is how you transform consciousness. This is how you learn the language of your subconscious. This is how you become a co-creator with Life.

Life doesn't want to happen at you or throw itself at you. Life wants to break through you from the inside out.


The sad girl & the island


All of my self-questions from 2022 so far