Grow another face

You’re aching to give voice to this other side of you. It’s beating like a new heart just below your skin. We have no language for this and we don’t talk about it and no one, but you, will give you the grace to change. 

You must grow another face. 

This is an all-out grab for more and more consciousness. You want to swim in multiple waves of depth and you deserve that. You deserve to be fed more than just algorithms. You are the one pulling rabbits out of the cosmic hat. 

You clawed your way out of the abyss to be here now. So be here now. 

You must grow another face. 

There is a mythical land called Shambhala where some say Jesus and Buddha might reside, and others say it’s not really a spiritual kingdom but more of a diamond, where every ascended master is a facet or a separate side. 

You are also multi-faceted. You are allowed to be multiple you(s). This is what true depth is. You can be different now. Grow another face. 

We are afraid to be complicated. We mute ourselves. We stay on the surface of things. Flatten our desires. We think growing new faces means mental illness, but you’re already living with multiple voices and none of them are yours. They belong to your parents and your friends and children — and they are all outdated and uninformed. 

Reformat yourself. Auto-update. Delete. Do what you have to do to grow another face.

You are allowed to be all things, then some things, and not other things, and no things — all at once. 


The Moon Tarot Card: A Meditation


Subtle-body sermonette