Everything is Sine Waves

My mind was blown 🀯 by this video podcast on Psilocybin, Depression, Synchronicity, Connectedness. The talk about empathic environments and the outside world mirroring your mind is true to my direct experience with psilocybin. But my most favorite takeaway is that β€œfundamental to reality is the sine wave.”

I heard this and I felt a very deep yes.

My period tracker Stardust syncs my cycle to the moon, connects me to the universe and displays my hormonal journey in sine waves. Every month, I track as my estrogen, progesterone and testosterone oscillate and with that I oscillate in energy β€” physical, mental and emotional. I am a sine wave and when I see myself in that way, I allow myself the space to act, to retreat, and to flow.

Everything is sine waves, even love β€” at times wavering, but never ceasing. Allowing love to ebb and flow is something I am still learning.


Heart exercise” day


Find the higher, essential aspect of yourself