Psychedelic Claudia Dawson Psychedelic Claudia Dawson

Journey notes, 12-04-2023

AI-summarized notes from a conversation with my friend Sarah about my recent psychedelic journey.

On Higher Consciousness and Spirit Guides

  • During my psychedelic journey on December 1, I spent a lot of time negotiating how much information higher realms should provide

  • Realized higher self is always connected to higher realms, but now 3D self is also connecting more with guidance and information

  • Everything happens on etheric/astral level first before manifesting physically

  • I have multiple higher selves we can connect with, not just one

  • Many worlds/realms exist, each with own timelines - we are creating realities and serving as "patronesses" of specific energies

On Goddesses and Archetypes

  • Felt presence of and connection to Divine Feminine creator, realized significance of cosmic womb/egg in creation (I came back with a persistent prayer ending with β€œIn her womb”

  • Higher beings give us myths/stories (like Dune) to awaken people to certain archetypes/energies

  • Soul guides explained that the movie The Marvels depicts a good example of quantum entanglement/physics of consciousness

  • Stella Maris (a collective being) is aligned with higher cetacean beings, and serves as aquatic library of prehistoric knowledge

On Shadow Work and Karma

  • Shadow work helps repressions/limitations surface so they can be healed

  • Before incarnating, soul imprints with karmic threads/emotions that need to be cleared (Sarah shared this insight with me)

  • Our pets process emotional energies/karma for us too

On Assignments and Growth

  • Dreams/visions provide guidance on next projects/growth areas

  • One of my personal assignments is to find language to translate etheric downloads into accessible human concepts

  • Soul guide nudges help build trust in higher support while retaining free will

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